Receive a free site inspection on your current home or land in Newcastle, The Hunter, Sydney & the Central Coast.
If you're looking to build a new home on vacant land, or perhaps you're looking to knock down and rebuild in your current location. Montgomery Homes will provide a FREE site inspection to your location.
Your complimentary site inspection and appraisal involves the assessment of your site, to determine the slope of your block as well as any additional preparation that may be required, such as the removal of building materials, trees, roots. Our construction supervisor will also assess the most suitable home design for your block's shape and size, helping you to maximise your land and any potential views, breezes and landscapes.
Get started with a free site appraisal today
Please fill in the form below and one of our consultants will be in touch with you soon.
Why Knockdown and Rebuild?
Do you love where you live, but don’t love your house? There is a plethora of benefits to knocking down your existing dwelling and building a new home — from increasing the value of your land and asset, to keeping your existing location where you’ve made many precious memories. Montgomery Homes are the knockdown rebuild specialists, and will conduct a complimentary site inspection at the start of your journey to assess the individual specifications of your land.
Is it possible to build on a sloping site?
Split-level homes are an elegant solution to building a home on a sloping block. By working with the natural gradient of the site, our sloping home designs offer generous benefits to the homeowner including higher ceilings, a unique and architectural design and a more functional backyard. When approached correctly, a sloping block can result in a stunning home and a functional lifestyle.
Explore Stunning Display Homes
There is nothing quite like the magic of walking through a beautiful display home. From the single-storey Airlie 245 at HomeWorld Thornton, to the split-level Carolina 1 311 at HomeWorld Box Hill — the Montgomery Homes suite of display homes spans from Newcastle to the Central Coast and Sydney. Experience a range of functional floorplan layouts and interior design themes as you explore our display homes. Be transported to your forever home with Montgomery Homes.
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